This Was Your Mother

Dreich Press (2024)
'Sam Szanto has created a glorious celebration of love, life and loss'
'Gliding skilfully between past and present sne invokes powerful imagery and lyrical, evocative language.'
Annie Cowell
'I recommend reading and re-reading this collection.'
Candice Kelsey
'Here are poems to love'
Catherine Graham (UK)
To purchase a copy from Sam, email - also available from Dreich Press
A review by Peter Mladinic was published in Tears in the Fence Literary Journal.
Full review here:

Readings and Events
Sam has been invited to read her short stories and poetry as a guest and headliner at live events organised by a number of hosts including New Writing North ('Read Them Your Writes'); Dreich ('Summer Everywhere / Anywhere') at the Lit & Phil in Newcastle); Steve Urwin ('Poetry Jam' in Durham) and Jenny Thompson ('The Cooking Pot', Whitley Bay)

To book Sam for a reading or other live event, contact her here