If you had to describe your novel ‘Missing’ (published 2023) in one sentence, how would you do so?
Oh wow! Erm, that’s a tough one! I guess it would be: a story of a girl with a link to the afterlife. That was tricky!
What gave you the idea for the novel?
That would have been a picture that someone posted on Twitter (X) of girl with a vase of flowers for a head, the question asked ‘if this was the cover of your next book, what is it about?’ And that’s how Missing began!
The book has a supernatural element and one of the main characters is psychic. I wonder what your views on the supernatural are?
Ooooh, sometimes I believe and sometimes I’m sceptical. We have a motion sensor light on our landing and one evening whilst I was plaiting my son's hair, the light came on, but no one was there, it then went off again, my eldest son swears he saw someone/thing duck under my bed but nothing was there. My youngest had also said that we have a little girl living in our boiler room, he said this when he was around eight, he’s twelve now... he said she was a little like him!
The police officers who aren’t really there reminded me of a little of ‘An Inspector Calls’ – I wondered if that had been an inspiration?
Not at all, in fact the last time I think I looked at or even thought of that book was when my 18 year old daughter was revising for her English GCSE!
How did you research ‘Missing’?
I didn’t really research a lot for 'Missing'; most of it just came from within. I know it’s wrong not to research things for books but most of my ideas just pop!
How long did the novel take to write?
I think it took me around six months or so, give or take the odd month combined rest from it. I edit as I go, and have some amazing beta readers.
Which writers inspire your own work?
Oh wow, there are so many! Karen Rose and Tess Gerritsen are two amazing authors whom I have met in person. Another inspiration is Eva Lauder, she is a fantastic writer friend, real life friend and fabulous beta reader.
If you don’t write full-time, what is your day-job and how does this impact your work? Are you inspired by workplace situations or the people you meet at work, for example? Or is writing more of an escape from work?
I work from home for a government department. I try to step away from work-related situations when I log out because I deal with some really vulnerable people. Writing is more of an escape from work and it’s therapeutic for me.
How have people reacted to the novel? Have anyone’s reactions surprised you?
Well, so far, I’ve only received one review. It was a lovely review and I hope to gain some more reviews soon.
If ‘Missing’ became a drama series, would you write the script? And who can you see in the main roles?
Absolutely! It’s hard to say who would fit the lead roles, especially for Luna. I would love there to be some up-and-coming stars of the next generation for Luna and Jhordan.
Do you write in any other genres?
Since writing my first book, Shea’s Saviour, which was a suspense novel. I have written two sci-fi novels and a children’s book with my youngest son.
How is ‘Missing’ similar or different from what you have written before?
It’s different mostly due to genre, I think the only similarity between this and my first book is the fact that the main character is bi-racial.
Have you got any tips for anyone wishing to write a novel? Or anything that you wish you’d done differently?
I think the only tip I would give is to write from your heart; there will be people out that who give bad reviews, maybe to make themselves feel better, but if you believe in your work, others will too. I think the only thing I would have done differently is not to send out so many representation emails at once and given myself room to build up my own audience.
What’s your writing environment like? Do you need silence or do you work with music; do you always work at home, etc.?
I write in my bedroom. It’s sometimes noisy, my husband is a sound designer/music producer so sometimes there’s a new beat banging in the background. My eldest two children are also music producer so the only time the house is quiet is when everyone is in dream land. I love the noise when I’m writing and sometimes I enlist their help with character names and random place names for my sci-fi books.
How have you promoted ‘Missing’? Have you got any promotional tips for other writers?
To be perfectly honest, I’ve only really been promoting via my Twitter account, LisaMSoundz (Lisa Henry Writer), and through word of mouth. I’ve been approached but a heap of promoters but at this moment, I can’t physically afford to pay for promotion.
What are you working on now?
Right now I’m working on a psychological thriller with a working title of The Gallery. I’m also working on my youngest son’s second book, Daniel’s Adventures, about a boy with Polymorphic Light Eruption, all his ideas.
Buy ‘Missing’ at https://www.amazon.com/Missing-Lisa-Henry-ebook/dp/B0C1F3NZ1S